Moms Like You: Introductions, Struggles, and Triumphs
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I'm Sarah, 26, mom to two beautiful boys. I started my breastfeeding journey with my first son and was worried I wouldn't be able to produce enough, like my mom, so I pumped a lot. I would pump after every feed and every couple of hours. I was beyond stressed and struggled to get enough rest. Now with my second son, I have more information and experience to know that I am producing enough. I have found ways to relieve my stress and focus on my health to make sure I can be there for my boys.
Hi! I’m Olivia, stay at home/homeschooling/doula/student midwife mama of 4 precious kids. My breastfeeding journey is similar to many but unique like all. My mother breast fed my brother and I with no trouble at all, I watched ladies at church growing up breastfeeding their babies. I always thought it was a beautiful relationship to behold and knew I would do the same and assumed it came easy to everyone since it is so “natural”. Thankful for the knowledge I had, I thought I was set when my first baby came along. After a separation/NICU stay two days postpartum and no understanding the science of breastfeeding I started pumping and direct breastfeeding my baby. It was a long and laborious, anxious and exhausting 6 weeks of weight checks, pumping, supplementing and direct feeding. Without the support of our pediatrician and my husband, I could not have done it. I had to fight for the beautiful breastfeeding relationship I grew up admiring and watching. Having breastfed now FOUR babies and taking a breastfeeding class through midwifery school I now wish I had sought classes/ lactation consultants/ read a book BEFORE I had my first baby. I also believe nutrition, community support and easy resources are vitally important. Above all, I believe we need to keep breastfeeding our babies in front of each other, to continue to inspire and encourage following generations about the beautiful, miraculous normalcy of breastfeeding.
My name is Liz and I'm 32. I was really excited to breastfeed and honestly tohught it would be easier than formula feeding. I struggle with ym milk supply a lot and we have to supplement feed. I breastfeed my daughter frequently but she does have to have formula each day, since I don't produce enough. It's been really discouraging and can be depressing, knowing that I'm not producing everything she needs. Finding other moms that deal with the same issues has helped me cope.
I have three babies and I didn't breastfeed my first. I was worried at the time that my boobs would get saggy (jokes on me, they did that with age anyway). We had our second 6 years later and I decided to try it. I LOVED it. I didn't love everything; pumping when I went back to work, late night feedings where only I could do it (my husband doesn't exactly have the milk supply that I have), or the biting (Oh God the biting!). For me, the benefits outweighed everything else. I'm still breastfeeding my youngest who turns two next month!